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Travel for Supporter Guidelines

Toybox works in urban locations, on the world’s most dangerous streets where any engagement with the children is built up over months of well-planned activities with the same staff team. The children are often suspicious and afraid of adult interest in them and their lives, so the introduction of a new adult can sometimes have a detrimental impact. However, we also recognise that supporters are transformed when they meet and spend time with the communities and children we are working with. We therefore need to carefully consider on a case-by-case basis whether it is appropriate to facilitate a visit for our supporters, thus we have produced the following guidelines on international travel for Toybox supporters.

Supporter(s) travel to see a Toybox project can be facilitated if the following conditions are met:

The partner and project:

  1. Toybox’s partner is willing and capable of facilitating the trip;
  2. The trip will not inhibit ongoing activities; and
  3. The trip will not incur any costs for the partner or expose them to additional risks


  1. Toybox decides the location is a safe place to visit, this decision will be based on current security information from the partner and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.
  2. The trip will be less than 1 week in length.
  3. If it is a group, then it must be no more than 5 people, because large groups may put the community, project staff and supporters at risk.
  4. Supporters and staff will stay in safe and secure local accommodation.
  5. Dates of travel are agreed between Toybox and the local partner
  6. Toybox will expect a financial donation from the supporter(s) for the project, post the trip.
  7. Toybox will expect the supporter(s) to host events and/or talk on behalf of Toybox after the visit.

The supporter(s):

  1. Must have appropriate insurance in place to cover themselves and their belongings.
  2. Must have a valid DBS check, attended a Child Safeguarding interview with the Toybox Safeguarding lead and signed all the relevant Toybox travel documentation. They must also agree to adhere to Toybox partner safeguarding policies and protocols including on taking photos, use of social media and interaction with project participants etc.
  3. Must have medical approval for the trip and all appropriate up to date vaccinations.
  4. Will pay for all the costs associated with the trip
  5. Must be over 18 years unless accompanied by a parent/legal guardian (to be agreed on a case by case basis)